Week 5 – Post Greenlight

We finished strong for Greenlight this week, getting everything we wanted in and passing the stage challenge with minimal things to polish up for the requirements. We finally have a settled in art direction, before we had been tossing back and forth having both the underground cave / drained water cavern level and the above ground level. Now we’ve narrowed it down to just the cavern, which will be nicer for level design at least, as well as being able to push the art in this single environment instead of cutting our manpower in two with different environments.

My work the past week was largely comprised of creating some level mock ups, basically taking previous sketches and updating them to the current glyx states and cleaning them up in Illustrator so that they were up to the presentation level of quality.

Going forward with the levels I’ve started take my mock ups and bring them into the game space, getting them ready for QA as soon as possible. I want to start with a jungle-gym like area that will contain both introductory skilled platforming aspects as well as intermediate platforms to perform some more advanced moves. Once I get a feel for how players are moving in the space and the limitations of the glyx and stretchy arm I’ll be able to start constructing the games actual beginning area and start scaling the difficulty appropriately.

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