Release Candidate One

This was another hyper productive, over-drive mode, team synergy charged week where we got a ton of shit done. There were a couple of crunch time moments during the week, but we were able to keep level headed and really charge through tweaking all the nuisances contained within the levels, as well as big and small bug hunts. The levels are coming together crazy nicely, all the different biomes are clearly noticeable and with the new lighting their really beginning to come to life.

My work this week was primarily slight touch ups with the glymytes, making sure that all of the students were collectible and displaying correctly as well as animating with the proper frames and at the correct speed. There was a lot of little polish elements that needed to be worked on, which the all-hands-on-deck meetings really helped to sift through these swamps of work quickly.

Our game is really coming together, it’s nice to see it come to life with the environments getting more and more fleshed out as well as the light passes that really make the world pop. The level design is really mostly done, just tiny tweaks with moving platforms around or adding one here or there.

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