Post Beta

There were quite a few crunch movements this week, but with the amount of people showing up to those pivotal meetings we’ve been able to really make leaps of progress on every front. The biomes that the art team have been looking real good implemented into the levels, I really hope that we will have time for a proper lighting pass as well. It would really bring the world together, particularly with its extra-terrestrial theme. The levels have also been worked on a ton, we had a bit of a scare with the bubble platforms being shrunk through some bug as well as being displaced throughout several levels. But the design is really coming together, now that the bubbles are all fixed things are feeling a lot better. I’ve worked on a document on how to approach the design layout for the glymytes in each of the levels, which includes how many exactly we want to have in each level. We’ll see how its received in testing and hopefully we’ll only have to tweak the numbers slightly, move their positions slightly.

I worked on a lot of different things this week, including fixing little bugs that were found in nooks and crannies. This included tasks such as fixing several scripting files to contain the correct tags for certain prefabs as well as updating certain gameplay objects within the scene to weak performance properties.

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